

1. Robert Taber was one of my best friends and co-workers. We had planned to start our own acting company after we had finished performing Darling of The Gods with our current director, He was originally an American actor and was able to help me in my acting career. Unfortunately, He died at the age thirty-eight. He was an amazing acting partner and will forever be missed.

Walker, David. "An Actor's Life for Me: Lena Ashwell." The Library Time Machine. N.p., 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.

2. I had always been afraid of messing up onstage. However, in this production, it was my worst nightmare. Taking place during the winter, King Arthur is one of my most memorable productions. I had the pleasure of performing a short scene with Ellen Terry. However, I was playing the part as a corpse and was scared to death of sneezing onstage. For this reason. A young doctor gave me a spray that was said to help the sneezing. Unfortunately, the method of using cocaine to stop cold symptoms had not been tested.
Walker, David. "An Actor's Life for Me: Lena Ashwell." The Library Time Machine. N.p., 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.<>.

3. Here is a picture of me when I was in the production of The Sway Boat. I am seen here with my fellow actress Kate Rorke. I was fortunate to play the part of Lady Kilross. This production, like so many of the others, just made me want to further educate myself in the field of acting. I enjoyed it immensely and pined for the next opportunity I had onstage. This motivation is what kept me going.
 "Collectors Post." Collectors Post RSS. Admin, 14 Feb. 2009. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.<>.

4. I was able to have a major part in the fame of my dear friend, Cicely Hamilton. Together, we were able to write the comedy, Diana of Dobson. This picture is of us at work on the script. Once it was a finished product, I had the honor of performing in the play. This fulfilled my dream of performing in a comedy as an actress.


Walker, David. "An Actor's Life for Me: Lena Ashwell." The Library Time Machine. N.p., 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.<>.


5. While acting, I was a part of a production known as The Shulamite. This is another one of the few plays I have document of now. If you are not familiar with the story, It is the tale about a women who refused the beauty of Solomon’s kingdom for a Shepard whom she was in love with. I was casted in the role of Deborah Krillet. This is another piece just to show how dedicated I was to acting. I had a lot of experience to offer the soldiers of the war because of this. It had helped me greatly in the long run
Wood, Larry. "The Shulamite Woman." The Shulamite Woman. N.p., 28 Sept. 2011. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.

6. I enjoyed being on stage with my fellow actors. What we were able to create was truly beautiful. This is a picture of me playing the part of Yosan in a Japanese play. In order to do this, the director had me meet with a Japanese person so that I could better fit the Japanese character. At first, he had not been sure that I could do it. However, people were able to convince her otherwise. I was honored to have been able to be a part of this production.


Walker, David. "An Actor's Life for Me: Lena Ashwell." The Library Time Machine. N.p., 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.

7. I was able to play some main roles in many Shakespeare plays, As you can tell by now, I loved performing Shakespeare. It was very inspirational and enjoyable for me. In this picture, I am playing the Role of Leah Kleschna in the play. This play is about a young women whose father is a jewel thief that later gets caught. Eventually, they do not learn their lesson and she is forced to have to clear her name. This was a very enjoyable role for me.
"Collectors Post." Collectors Post RSS. Admin, 14 Feb. 2009. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.<>.
"Plot Summary." IMDb., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.<>.

8. In my younger years, I was most certainly one of the more beautiful actresses in the business. In fact, here is the roof! This is a picture of one of the papers made about London’s best dressed actresses. Of, course, you would not have made it on if you were ugly. I was very proud to have seen my name as third on the list! This was a very great accomplishment for me while acting in London.
Walker, David. "An Actor's Life for Me: Lena Ashwell." The Library Time Machine. N.p., 17 Sept. 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.<>.

 9. During my acting debut, I was featured in many productions. Because of my talent in the drama field, I loved the stage. It gave me a sense of pride and confidence in who I was. I was a strong feminist, and like to be able to show people just how great I and other women are and can be. This is a picture of me playing the role of Edward V in the production Shakespeare’s “Richard III.”

“Inspirational Women Of World War One." : Lena Ashwell (1872. N.p., 3 May 2014. Web. 03 Dec. 2015.<>.                    
10. This is one of the pictures made to help promote my gatherings known as the YMCA concert parties. Although little is known today about these parties, the women who were a part of this group played a significant role in my quest to help the soldiers of World War 1. In this organization, women in this era would make the journey to the fields of war. Despite the danger it out them in, they were willing to risk their lives to help the soldiers. Our group felt that the current events of the war were causing the soldiers to lose focus in what they were doing. Once our people made it to the war, they would sing to the soldiers and attempt to give them a sliver of the culture around them and a sense of hope for the better future.

SOURCE:Farthing, Dr Anna. "WW1 Lena Ashwell Parties: Shining a Light on the Young Women Who Brought Music to the Trenches." The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 2015. Web. 30 Nov. 2015.<


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